Our members are leaders in online collaboration

They represent services from some of the following organisations:

Meet our members

Through conversations, plotting and planning the IoC was born with these internationally known voices as founding members.

All our members are united by their expertise in making online interactions human and impactful. They are representatives from the products or services that the Institute recommends.

They are the experts in delivering the highest quality online experiences. 

  • Matt

    Facilitator from ImpactBasis

    Matt ignites passion and focus within distributed teams so that they can work together to tackle complex challenges.

    He brings fun and energy to online engagements and, through this, gets people into action. His knowledge of Agile and experience working with distributed teams means he can help others work better, together, wherever.

  • Dennis

    Representing Better Online Projects training from ImpactBasis

    Dennis’ career started as a youth worker. Dennis is an expert on Agile, particularly on building agile, self-organising teams.

    Over the last 10 years, he has helped many public sector organisations embrace Agility. He now uses his expertise to coach remote teams to do the best work of their lives and to build adaptive hybrid organisations.

  • Myriam Hadnes

    Facilitator from Workshops.work

    Myriam is a dynamic presence in the online facilitation community, renowned for her boundless creativity and profound contributions, notably as the curator of the NeverDoneBefore community.

    For Myriam, facilitation is less about the activities and more about presence and guidance. Suggesting that we need to connect online authentically, dropping the 'professionalism' mask and speaking to people instead of just the camera to compensate for physical distance and make a true connection.

  • Benjamin Taylor

    Facilitator from RedQuadrant

    With a knack for crafting great sessions that are welcoming, accessible and effective, Benjamin excels in fostering participant engagement. He's described as someone who "has a formula for getting the best out of all participants".

    Benjamin's expertise is instrumental in supporting teams and organisations as they navigate towards better ways of working together online.

  • Cliff Pollan

    Representing the platform Welo

    Introducing Cliff, a seasoned CEO, entrepreneur, and business executive celebrated for his exceptional leadership, team-building prowess, and unwavering integrity. Cliff has a knack for leveraging new technologies to revolutionise work dynamics.

    Presently, Cliff channels his expertise into guiding organisations toward growth, refining processes, and shaping strategic visions. We see this in his great work with the platform Welo, which is one of our recommended tools.

  • Jakob Knutzen

    Representing the platform Butter

    Introducing our dynamic innovator currently spearheading the creation of Butter, Jakob has travelled widely and collaborated with individuals from diverse backgrounds. He understands the immense potential of global collaboration.

    Jakob feels that individuals should be able to seamlessly work together from anywhere. He's dedicated to crafting solutions that facilitate efficient and delightful remote collaboration.

  • Karin Reed

    Representing Elevating Your Personal Production Value training from Speaker Dynamics

    Karin is a public speaking and on-camera communication expert who fosters confidence in individuals to share their authentic selves, whether on stage, through a webcam, or in the boardroom.

    Drawing from her Emmy-award winning broadcast journalist background, she's developed effective communication methodologies for impactful presentations across all platforms.

    Specialising in enhancing professional presence and delivering powerful presentations, she's also renowned for her expertise in modern meeting management and virtual communication for enterprises.

  • Steve McCann

    Representing Online Workshops that Connect training from ReesMcCann

    Steve McCann has had an interesting international career working with people in complex and hostile parts of the world before becoming deeply involved in creating practical applications for Clean Language within organisations.

  • Judy Rees

    Facilitator from ReesMcCann

    Judy Rees expertly uses Clean Language to enable people to better understand one another's perspectives, motivations and blockers. Building a better understanding of one another helps to build better team collaboration as when tackling shared challenges.

    She is a world expert in Clean Language and was named a Top 100 Influencer in Remote Working in 2020 by Onalytica!

Recommendations are provided by a growing group of experts in online collaborations.

Our members are united by their expertise in making online interactions human and impactful. Each member has been elected to the Institute based on their commitment to deliver virtual-first and to uphold the highest standards in their online practices (and to reap the benefits). We subscribe to the Online Collaboration Manifesto.

The expert members’ group is growing fast. Any product, person or service that is recommended by The Institute will automatically have the option to recommend a representative to become a member. All members (majority vote) can propose the next products, services and people to be recommended.

Why start an Institute?

ImpactBasis and ReesMcCann have invested time and money to start the institute because we think it’s worth it. Why? 

  1. We see much confusion in the online services and products market. 

  2. At the same time, we regard this as an opportunity to shape online collaboration to what we (and hopefully you) think is important.

Together, with other experts in this field, we expressed this in the manifesto. For example, take the first line of the manifesto, we believe in people and relationships over technology and tools.

However, some online products and services contribute to a more fragmented and mechanistic working life.

We want to avoid this. And do something about it. Practically, this means that we want the products and services that are good, and that ‘live’ these values, to be known and used more!

Our Manifesto

The Manifesto for Online Collaboration was created in March 2022 by a group of leading online experts.

Our experience has shown us that there are better ways of convening online to achieve meaningful results.

We aspire to include diverse people in online interactions that build resilient and trusting working relationships, unlock the group’s potential, and get work done, joyfully.

We value:

  • People and relationships over technology and tools

  • Transparently planned, participative processes over centralised control

  • Blended forms of engagement (sync, async, video, writing, etc.) over single-mode engagement 

  • Iteration that leads to positive change over one-and-done approaches

  • Fun over formality

We are excited about the future of online collaboration, and we intend to hold to these principles through future socio-technical changes.

Want to know more or 
sign up to the manifesto?

Get in touch now to find out how we can match the right experts to help your organisation.


  • Our founding members have been working to make online collaboration easy and effective for more than 20 years (before it was cool!). In that time, they’ve worked with a wide range of organisations, from corporate teams to governments and social impact organisations to help them improve their online skills and processes.

    They are constantly adapting their approach in novel and exciting ways, using concepts like Clean Language, Agile methodologies to improve online collaboration and facilitation. You can read more about our team and their work on our ‘Training’ page.

  • The IoC members come together every week to nominate services/products/courses that they really know and love. If the group collectively votes them in, they can be posted on our website.

    If the nominated person or organisation wishes to join the IoC as a member, they can do so. They can then join in on nominating or voting on other exceptional products or services (excluding their own) that deserve recognition.

  • We think so! We are proud of our team, who have an incredible amount of experience and expertise in the field of online work and collaboration. Each member of this team is passionate about supporting effective online collaboration, and doing so in innovative ways so that we always are ahead of the curve.