Elevating Your Personal Production Value


Level up your online communication skills! Improve your presence & communication, with practical tips on background, lighting & audio on how to best come across on camera.

In today’s world, camera and video conferencing skills are a must. My team made dramatic improvements in their video skills, communication and confidence.
— Michael Blood, Regional Sales Manager, Aurinia Pharmaceuticals

About this training

This course is recommended by the Institute for Online Collaboration to enhance your team's communication dynamics and promote a collaborative and efficient culture. At the end of the course, you’ll have improved your on-camera presence, communication skills, and confidence. You'll also learn how to set up a professional background, use creative strategies to work in any environment, and create clear visuals and audio for distraction-free communication.

Why this course is recommended by the IOC

This course delves into the nuances of online collaboration, emphasising the importance of effective communication skills. Personally, I found it immensely valuable, not only in gaining practical insights into enhancing communication but also in cultivating a stronger online presence when collaborating with others.

The course offers a comprehensive learning experience, covering both technical aspects and interpersonal skills. It underscores the idea that each participant brings their unique environment into the online workspace, highlighting the significance of fostering a strong presence and clear communication amidst diverse virtual settings.

There is a lot to gain from this course, which equips you with essential tools and awareness for navigating the intricacies of online collaboration successfully.

Reviewed by Dennis Vergne, member of the Institute

Karin Reed is a magician. She waves her magic wand, and hey presto! You’re a pro in front of the camera.
— Dianne Lennox, PR Services Manager at SAS


Upgrade the way you and your team communicate online by gaining skills in the best visual and audio production, no matter where you’re working from. 

This course equips you to shine on video calls, boosting your confidence and communication with practical tips for a professional setup and clear audio/visuals. This will help elevate your personal production value, whilst you work better with others online.


Navigating Asynchronous Communication


Online Workshops that Connect