Online Workshops that Connect


This training helps you design and deliver engaging and inclusive online workshops and training events. It goes beyond simple webinars and lecture-style sessions, focusing on participation, clear communication, and real learning outcomes. The program is aimed at professionals who lead workshops, training sessions, conferences, and other high-stakes online events.

Two things happen when you take this course. First, you gain an awareness for how terrible most online events are (including your own). Second, you learn what it actually takes to rise above the status quo through participatory methods.
— Ben Mosior, Principal Consultant, Hired Thought

About this training

Online Workshops that Connect supports participants in discovering how to craft engaging and inclusive online workshops and training events.

The IoC recommends this course, which enables people to learn how to design and deliver truly engaging online workshops and events that connect. After the training with ImpactBasis, participants can design online events and workshops that are better than ‘in-the-room’. 

In this training, participants learn how to create online workshops that are truly participatory, where people can connect, learn, and make a real difference. ImpactBasis shares simple, effective techniques to make online events work better for more people, more often

Makes the tech more understandable and accessible. You have piqued my interest and opened a door that I am wanting to walk through and learn more. As a tech phobic that is a big step :)
— Natasha Talbot, Torbay Community Development Trust

Why this course is recommended by the IOC

This course has been critical in refining my approach to planning and executing online events. The models, methods, and strategies introduced are not only effective, but also straightforward to grasp and implement.

I particularly enjoyed the sense of community fostered throughout the course. Rather than solely relying on the trainer's expertise, participants actively engaged with each other, sharing insights and experiences. This collaborative environment enriched the learning experience for everyone involved.

The course delivery struck a balance between informative instruction and experiential learning. It draws on the collective expertise of participants, providing a holistic understanding of best practices in online event management. As a result, I now feel equipped with a clear structure that promotes engagement and inclusivity, enhancing the overall success of my online events.

Reviewed by Dennis Vergne, member of the Institute


This training equips participants t hold great online events. Here’s what you can expect after the training:

  • Inclusive participation. Be ready to facilitate genuine dialogue, wherever your attendees are. No more awkward silences!

  • Memorable sessions. Upgrade from dull talk-over-slides so that key messages get through, and participants are ready to take action.

  • Better tech decisions. Choose and use the right tools, and be prepared to deal with everyday technical issues on delivery day.

  • Practical teamwork. Understand how best to collaborate with colleagues, speakers and other stakeholders.

  • Confident planning. Know exactly what needs to be done before, during and after events to deliver results.

The focus of this training is on workshops, training and higher-stakes events, rather than every day or repeating meetings, but many of the key learnings will easily transfer to these other contexts.


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